Professor Kate Ames, PFHEA
What I can offer as a Mentor
I am a Professor in Learning Design and Innovation with qualifications in education and training as well as a PhD and Masters of Letters in Cultural Studies. I lead an amazing team of educational designers, academics, administrators, and multimedia experts who work with CQUniversity's academic staff across our multi-campus VET and higher education network to support our students. I can offer mentees perspectives on effective teaching practice from a broad range of experience as an educator of online and distance students, leader with tertiary and military experience (26 years’ Army, currently a Lieutenant Colonel), supervisor of PhD students, active researcher, and as a perpetual student (currently enrolled in a Master of Educational Neuroscience). I can offer frank and honest feedback on your application, the willingness to be a sounding board for ideas, and a sense of humour that can remind us about what’s really important when you’re getting a little ‘over’ the feedback cycle.