Awards Ceremonies

Awards Ceremonies

18 June, 2021

We are delighted that the following institutions have hosted a joint state-based ceremony to celebrate the successful citation recipients in 2019-2020.

  Date   State/s Host by  Venue /Virtual Event  
16 March 2021 WA Murdoch University  (For 2020 recipients)

WA Ceremony photo link
Fraser Restaurant, Kings park
3 June 2021 SA/NT SANTPEN (Joint ceremony for 2019 and 2020 recipients) 

SA Ceremony photo link
University of South Australia
7 June 2021 QLD The University of Queensland  (Joint ceremony for 2019 and 2020 recipients) 

QLD Ceremony photo link
Brisbane Customs House
17 June 2021 NSW/ACT Australian Catholic University  (Joint ceremony for 2019 and 2020 recipients) 

NSW/ACT Ceremony video link
Virtual Event