Extension of Closing date: 2020 AAUT nominee registration

Extension of Closing date: 2020 AAUT nominee registration

4 September, 2020

Considering the current COVID-19 situation, the 2020 AAUT nominee registration closing date is now extended to Wednesday 9 September, 11.59pm AEST.

Please contact the Awards Team if you have any questions.

2020 AAUT Awards Committees

3 September, 2020

We are pleased to introduce the 2020 AAUT Awards Committees. This year, we are introducing Deputy Chair who will be taking on the full responsibilities as Chair in the next round.

2020 AAUT Nomination Closing date

31 August, 2020

Reminder: 2020 AAUT Nomination is closing this Friday, 4th September 2020.

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