2021 ICOs Feedback

2021 ICOs Feedback

8 December, 2021

We would like to thank all ICOs for their ongoing support for the Australian Awards for University Teaching. It’s great to receive some positive feedbacks from ICOs.

A Commentary of AAUT

3 November, 2021

Professor Angela Carobne, AAUT Awards director, was invited to provide a commentary for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) on the overview, benefits of AAUT, and the challenge going forward. Click on the link to read more – “The value of the Australian Awards for University Teachers (AAUT): Building and maintaining excellence in teaching and learning across the nation”.


2021 AAUT Briefing Sessions Completion

20 July, 2021

We have completed all the AAUT Briefing Sessions: ICOs, Early Career, Creating winning applications, Awards for Australia University Teacher of the Year and Neville Bonner Award. In case you missed any of the briefing sessions, you can watch them here.

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