Acknowledgement 2021 AAUT Awards Committees

Acknowledgement 2021 AAUT Awards Committees

14 December, 2021

Please join us in thanking the 2021 AAUT Awards Committees for their contribution to AAUT and making the final recommendations before going to UA. Extra special thanks to the Committee Chairs: Prof. Sally Kift; Prof. Liz Johnson; Prof. David Sadler & Prof. Pip Pattison.

Acknowledgement 2018 to 2021 Assessors

1 December, 2021

A big thank you to this year’s 159 AAUT assessors for their contributions. From 2018 to 2021, we have 609 assessors who assessed over 700 submissions. They have volunteered their time and to give back to AAUT. Among them, there are 20 assessors who have continuously support the awards over the four years.

Welcome 2021 AAUT Assessors

19 October, 2021

A big welcome and thank-you to the 159 assessors from across 38 Australian universities who have graciously volunteered their time to review this year’s National Teaching Award submissions. The sector greatly appreciates your commitment and input!!

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