1997-2021 Australian University Teachers of the Year booklet
5 October, 2022
We’re delighted to share the fourth edition of the 1997-2021 Australian University Teachers of the Year booklet. Thank you to all recipients for their profile contributions to this valuable resource for leaders and principal drivers in the Higher Education sector.
Phase 2 Nominations extended to Friday 23 September
9 September, 2022
The Awards Portal is now open for Institutional Contact Officers (ICO) to upload their nominees’ submissions and photos.
The closing date for Phase 2 Nominations has been extended to Friday 23 September.
We encourage you to upload the submissions and photos as early as possible.
2022 AAUT Professional Development Sessions
1 August, 2022
Watch and learn from Professional Development sessions via the #AAUT playlist here:
Please find below the recording links:
Writing a successful AAUT Citation application Session recording (31 mins)
Writing a successful AAUT Program Award application Session recording (40 mins)
Writing a successful AAUT Teaching Award application Session recording (41 mins)
Writing a successful AAUT Neville Bonner Award for Indigenous Education application Session recording (36 mins)
Writing a successful AAUT Early Career Award application Session recording (48 mins)