2021 AAUT Awards Committee Chairs

2021 AAUT Awards Committee Chairs

4 August, 2021

We are indebted to the commitment and dedication of our Award Committee Chairs. These senior academic leaders in teaching and learning provide their time and expertise to support the recognition of teaching excellence in our universities. This year our committee chairs are Professor Elizabeth Johnson (Citations), Professor David Sadler (Program Awards) and Professor Pip Pattison (Teaching Awards). They will be leading their committee in providing recommendations and endorsement of award recipients to the Universities Australia Board.

2021 Assessor Recruitment

21 July, 2021

Inviting members of the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT), the Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows (ALTF) and the Australian Promoting Excellence Networks (PEN) – West Australian Network for Dissemination (WAND) and the Victorian/Tasmanian (VTAS)   Promoting Excellence (PE) Network to be part of this year AAUT assessment panel. Contact the Awards team aaut@rmit.edu.au for EOI link. Closing date: Friday 30 July 2021.

2021 AAUT Briefing Sessions Completion

20 July, 2021

We have completed all the AAUT Briefing Sessions: ICOs, Early Career, Creating winning applications, Awards for Australia University Teacher of the Year and Neville Bonner Award. In case you missed any of the briefing sessions, you can watch them here.

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