Dr Chris Tisdell
What I can offer as a Mentor
There is a lot of evidence that effective mentoring brings positive outcomes for mentees, mentors and their organisations. I'm mindful of the importance of real relationships, clear communication and mutual respect in the dynamics of mentee-mentor engagement. Plus, I love a bit of fun and laughter along the way!As a mentor, I aim to foster a cycle of reflection and growth in the mentee's developmental journey. I am experienced in both traditional (face-to-face) mentoring and e-mentoring, including such schemes as: FHERDSA; university promotions; and OLT awards. For an example of what mentoring could look like with me, please take a look at the following case study: Tisdell, Christopher C. Prof and Shekhawat, Giriraj Singh (2019) "An Applied e-Mentoring Model For Academic Development, Reflection And Growth," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 13: No. 2, Article 6.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2019.130206